
The availability estimate listed on each product detail page tells you if we have at least one unit of the item you wish to order in one of our fulfillment centers. If the item is not in stock, the availability estimate tells you how long we think it will take to receive the item from our suppliers.

Availability and Delivery Estimates

While an item’s availability is calculated into your Estimated Delivery Date, the availability estimate is not an indicator of how long it will take for you to receive an item. Your order confirmation email will indicate your Estimated Delivery Date.

When Inventory is Reserved for Your Order

Inventory is only reserved for your order after you click the Place your order button and receive an e-mail confirmation that we’ve received your order. Placing an item in your shopping cart does not reserve inventory of that item for you.

Availability of Popular Items

Popular items sell out quickly. It is possible for you to see a message that an item is available on the product detail page, but discover it is sold out by the time you place your order.

When In-Stock Items are Shipped

If an item is in stock, it is usually shipped to you in 48 hours. Most orders for in-stock items shipping via USPS Priority Mail will leave our fulfillment center within this time frame. Some items, as indicated will require 3 weeks delivery time. Please send us an email if you have questions or require special delivery conditions.

Shipping estimate

All our orders shipped by USPS Priority Mail. Shipping rates include insurance and safe packaging. Individual items might have special shipping charges as indicated on the product detail page.

When To Expect Your Order

Our estimated delivery date for your order is based how quickly we can obtain and ship your items, your shipping address, and the shipping speed and options you choose.

Signature Requirements

Signature upon delivery required for shipments over $700.